We Guarantee to find your auto part within 1 hour or less! Begin Your Search by selecting Your Vehicle's Year, Make, and Model Below!
How long will it take to get my Transmission?
Typical shipping time usually takes between 4 to 5 business days, but could be a little longer due to unusual circumstances (such as weather, volume, etc.)
How does my Transmission arrive?
Your Transmission comes on a pallet,. It arrives to your shipping address via a common carrier, such as Ups Freight , R&L saia Carriers, etc.
What will I be receiving?
You will be receiving a 100% interchangeable Transmission for your exact vehicle. Transmissions are made to fit a certain number of years, makes and models. Your Transmission will fit this criteria.
What comes with my Transmission?
Transmissions come complete, minus the AC Compressor, Starter, Alternator, and Power Steering Pump. All other parts left on the Transmissions are for convenience purposes only.
Will my Transmission come from the exact year, make and model that my vehicle is?
It may, but OEM Transmissions are interchangeable with multiple years, makes and models which means the same part is an exact fit for multiple makes and models as determined by OEM standards. We guarantee the Transmission we sell to fit your vehicle.
What payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards like Visa/ Master / Discover / Amex Or Paypal. We also accept Bank Certified Checks. Wire Transfers may also be made available.
Does the Transmission comes with a Torque Converter?